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Importing Matches

Cricket Statz can import full match scorecards directly from online sources such as PlayHQ, PlayCricket (Aus), Play-Cricket (Eng), NVPlay, Cricket Archive, and CricHQ. This guide outlines the process for importing a match from these services and assumes you know how to add/edit players, teams, venues and divisions.


The import process will load the scorecard from the online source and then attempt to match names with records in the Cricket Statz system.  Where it can't match the name it will provide you with the name that it is looking for so you can adjust the corresponding record.

Step 1 - Logging In
Log in to Cricket Statz administration at

Step 2 - Commencing the Import

Click on the Import link on the top menu. You will require at least access level 6 to see the Import option.

Enter the external source MatchID into the respective service entry and then hit Import to commence the process. The external source MatchID can be found in the URL (web page address) of the match report page from the respective service. It will be shown as a set of numbers and or letters towards the end of the URL or in the middle of the URL for PlayCricket(Aus).

Click here for help with locating the PlayCricket (Aus) MatchID

Click here for help with locating the PlayHQ MatchID - note that this different to the "GameID" that PlayHQ references 


For CricClubs - the League ID is the league name to the right of in the URL.

Step 3 - Matching Division, Team and Venue names

Cricket Statz will read the match scorecard from the service and extract the division/grade, teams and venue names. It will then try and match these to the names you have set up in your database.

If it is your first time importing matches then it is likely the import system will warn you that it can't match a division, team or venue name.

If it can't match the names precisely then you have a two ways to solve this:

  1. If the record isn't in your database already then simply add the division, club, team or venue or

  2. If the record is in your database already but under a slightly different name then you can either edit the name in your database to match or add an alias to the 'alias' field that matches what the import is looking for.

If you choose the alias option then you only need to set up the alias once - all subsequent imports will use these aliases.

Note: A number might be added to the end of the alias for team names - this is the division id and it is designed to allow for generic names to be differentiated across different divisions/grades. For example, if a team is just called "Easts" on the import service then there is no way to know which team specific team it is if there are multiple "Easts" teams in your database so the system will add the division-id to the alias that it will look for. The alias that it seeks will shown as something like "Easts 25194" on importing so that it can then be matched to the team of that particular grade such as "Easts 2nd XI".

Step 4 - Matching Players and Officials

Finally, you will need to make sure players and official names are correctly matched.

For PlayCricket (Aus), Play-Cricket (ECB), NVPlay and PlayHQ:

When a batter, bowler or fielder name cannot be found then you will be given the option to either Assign xID (x indicates the name of the service) - which will allow you to add the xID to an existing player record or Add New - which will create a new player/official record. The xID is the unique service identifier for that player and will be string of numbers+characters that the import routine will show next to the player's name. For example, it may look something like 39e59b16-a5f5-4275-a23d-1fe446b746ac. If you choose the Assign option, copy this ID, click the assign link, edit the player record and paste it into the xID field of the for that player. Note that player matching will also try to use the player alias field but the xID method will give more reliable results.

For all officials or players of Cricket Archive,

When a player or official name cannot be found then you will be given the option to either Assign Alias - which will allow you to add an alias to an existing player record or Add New - which will add a new player/official record. An alias is a way to match the name on the external service with the player in the database. Each player can have multiple aliases - separated with a ; and no spaces. Each alias must be unique. Aliases are not case sensitive.

Once you have added the player or their ID/alias, you will need to hit Re-try to import the match again so that the newly added players can be found.


The good news is you will only need to set this up once - all subsequent importing will re-use this information to match the player record.

When all players are correctly matched then your match import is complete.

Congratulations! You have now imported the match in to Cricket Statz.

In detail - how does player name matching work?

Cricket Statz will try a variety of ways to match a player record in the database. When detecting a player name such as John Smith of Team ABC (of Club ABC) it will do the following player record searches:

  • Look for Firstname=John AND Lastname=Smith AND Current Club=Club ABC

  • Look for Alias=John Smith AND Current Club=Club ABC

  • For Play Cricket (Aus): Also look for ANY player across all clubs with a matching PlayCricket (Aus) ID

  • For PlayHQ: Also look for ANY player across all clubs with a matching PlayHQID

  • For Cricket Archive: Also look for ANY player across all clubs with a matching ExternalID (CA playerID)

Auto Imports

Auto-importing will scan for completed matches on the Play.Cricket (Aus) or Play-Cricket (ECB) sites and automatically import them when found. The system will first check for newly-completed matches and populate new match fixtures in your database if they don't already exist. These matches will then be queued for import and the system will import them one by one over a period of hours using the same import process listed above. Matches will be imported in a "pending approval" state for you to review and approve. It will not import future matches or matches that are currently in progress. You can view your current auto-import match queue via the Setup/Match Queue menu option in the admin panel. The auto-import is not available for PlayHQ importing.

Note that the initial match list scan requires that teams, venues and divisions names that it reads match with the names/aliases in the Cricket Statz system in order for it to queue the matches for import. It will send you system alerts (via the messages function in admin panel) when it fails to match these records - you need to address these for it to be able to execute a match list scan.

Tip 1: Scans are not instant may take a few hours to commence, especially if others are queued before you - please be patient

Tip 2: Try some manual match imports first so that you get familiar with the import process before enabling any auto-imports

For Play.Cricket (Australia)

Auto-importing can be enabled on a division basis only. It can then be restricted to process matches for a single team within that division if required.

To set it up: Edit your division record and add the Play.Cricket grade ID to the "Play Cricket (Aus)" section. The grade ID is a 36 character ID that is found in the URL when viewing the Play.Cricket (Aus) grade (or team) match list page. It sits to the right of the /grade/ part. With this example the grade ID is c9b48789-c41a-4d64-be40-a910889b7b04.

If you wish to limit imports to a specific team then also enter the Play Cricket team ID. The team ID can be found in the URL when viewing the Play Cricket team match list page and it is shown as a 36 character ID to the right of the &teamID= part. An example team page. You can get to this page by searching for your club on, clicking on the Teams tab and then selecting the specific team.

To enable the auto-scan process: Set the Scan Days field to "all" or limit it to certain weekdays if you want to put some time between match completion and import. Clearing this field will disable the auto-scan.

Tip: Each season in Play.Cricket (Aus) has its own unique grade ID so you can auto-import previous seasons by updating the grade ID for each season.

For Play-Cricket (England)

Auto-importing can be enabled by division or by club. 


To enable importing for a division: Edit the division record and add the Play-Cricket prefix and division/cup ID to the "Play-Cricket (ECB)" section. The prefix is the unique set of characters at the start and the division/cup id is the set of numbers at the end of the Play-Cricket URL. With this example the prefix is "spcl" and the division ID is 117160.

To enable importing for a single club: Edit the club record and add the club's Play-Cricket prefix to the "Play-Cricket (ECB)" section. The prefix is the unique set of characters at the start of the Play-Cricket URL just before the part and after the https://. With this example the prefix is "londontheatres".

To enable the auto-scan process: Set the scan days to "all" or limit it to certain weekdays if you want to put some time between match completion and import. Clearing this field will disable the auto-scan.

Tip: You can also import previous seasons by entering the corresponding season ID (eg. 257) in the Season ID text box. This number can be found from when you access the Play-Cricket Fixtures and Result page and you select the season. It is shown in the URL of the page as season_id=XXX and will typically be a digit number. It is 257 for the 2024 season.

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