I am currently working on the ability to automatically import matches each week as games are completed.
It will be available for Australian and English clubs that use play-cricket.com or play.cricket.com.au
The concept is that you tag a division or a club/team as requiring auto-imports. Cricket Statz will scan the respective service for the current season and then, if it finds a completed match that it doesn't have in your database, it will create a match fixture and then queue the match to be auto-imported. The match will auto-import shortly afterwards and set the match to "pending approval" for you to later approve.
If there are any issues with the import (such as player names that can't be found) then you will get a message in the (new) system inbox to let you know about it. You can then correct any issues and re-submit it for importing. You will notice the new message icon in the admin panel menu bar:
For Clubs
The two systems work a little differently - the UK import system is tagged at the club level whereas the Australian system requires that each division+team/s be tagged. You only need to set these up once.
For Leagues
Both systems allow for whole divisions to be tagged.
How can I tell if the import had any issues? The system will send you a message in the new system messages section.
How quickly will it discover matches? It will typically find new matches within 60 mins. They may take another 30-60 mins to import once they are discovered.
What if I manually import the match in the meantime? No problem. The import will skip your match and move on to the next one faster.
Will it import future fixtures? No. It will only import matches that have been actually played - either completed ones or abandoned/cancelled ones.
Will I still be able to manually import matches? Yes, certainly. This is an opt-in system so no one will be forced to use it. It is designed to help reduce the time you spend importing matches.
What if the match details change after the import (such as the score)? You will need to re-import the match manually to reflect any new changes. The system message provides you with a re-import match link to help.
When will it be available? It is not formally available yet but if you are wanting to help test it then contact me. The expected launch date will be around September for UK users and October for Aus users.
Does it work for previous seasons? It only works for the current active season. Matches played in previous seasons need to be manually imported.
Changes are sometimes made to scorecards within a day or two of match completion. Can I control when it does the imports so that it doesn't import too early? Yes, you can configure which days of the week it will look for new matches
Will it import "in-progress" matches? No, it will wait until the match is completed before it imports.
An update - I have now opened this up for any Play-Cricket.com (ECB) clubs to be able to switch on and try out.
You can enable it by going into Setup/Clubs in the admin panel, edit your club and then fill out the following fields:
The play-cricket prefix is the unique code for your club that appears in the play-cricket.com URL just before the ".play-cricket.com" part. For example, for https://londontheatres.play-cricket.com/home the prefix would be londontheatres
The weekdays can either be "all" - in which case it will scan 24x7 - or a day value entered to control which day/s you want to scan for new matches. Be sure to enter the day name in full - don't use plurals and don't use abbreviated names or it won't be enabled.
Use the contact form to let me know of any issues you encounter (or any positive feedback).
Clearing the Weekdays field will disable the auto-import service.