Peter A wrote:
We’re a single team club, and plan to have an intra-club game. If I enter ‘Surrey Cryptics’ as both the home and away teams, and enter the entire scorecard, can you see any problems? Especially, will the statistics reflect both innings against our single team?
We held a similar game some years ago, and I used the ‘old’ software by creating two new opponents (Cryptics North and Cryptics South), and entered the scorebook data twice, with Surrey Cryptics playing each of the ‘new’ teams. This worked as far as statistics were concerned (although it meant we had an ‘extra’ match that season). But it was messy to do, and would be more complicated in the on-line system, because I’d need to mess about putting players into teams, and then putting them back when we play our next opponents.
Mark - thanks for the guidance, and the additional information.