I have had a look at importing the match reports from mycricket and ive noticed that the association has changed our name to Coolbinia in the matches.Can I still migrate those matches under Coolbinia to Coolbinia West Perth?.
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Yes, you certainly can import them to Coolbinia West Perth provided you don't have a team already named Coolbinia.
What you need to do is to go into your team "Coolbinia West Perth" (via the Teams button and then hit details) and set the "alias" field of that team to Coolbinia
Once you do this then it should recognise it during an import.
The other option, I should mention, is to permanently change the team name in your CS database - if you changed the team Coolbinia West Perth to just Coolbinia then it would work as well.
It really comes down to what you want your team to be known as. Both options will work.
@ginogiamboi194 @Gino Giamboi please respond so that I know that you have read this
yes did that but still showing players stats under different club names
I need some details from you.
Can you tell me the player name where this happens? If it is multiple players then just pick one.
Can you be specific on which players stats are showing under different club names and what the club names are?
ok ive worked it out ...thanks
I can see this with your teams:
Do yourself a favour - you have the same alias on two teams! This will cause you all sorts of problems. Remove the Coolbinia alias from the team that is not being used.
thanks Mark all done
I would also point out that you have a team named Coolbinia yet you have a team named Coolbinia WP with an alias of Coolbinia.
The import will get very confused here and may assign some players to the Coolbinia team rather than Coolbinia WP.
Which is the correct one? I assume it is Coolbinia WP - so you either need to remove the Coolbinia team OR rename it to something like Coolbinia Unused.
Would you like me to rename Coolbinia to Coolbinia Unused so that the import is not confused? I can't see any matches assigned to that Coolbinia team.
@ginogiamboi194 I have gone ahead and renamed the team Coolbinia to Coolbinia Unused and I removed the alias from it. You can change things around as you wish but it will at least allow the Match Import to work properly now.
ok thank you
Gino just note that our Association (which you are also in) tend to update the club names slightly every season and also the venue names. So i redo the alias' at the start of season for every club and venue to ensure they match what i have already in our database. I've got no idea why they can't just use the same naming convention from the previous season but they love to change it up most seasons.
Hi Joel
Yes and its a pain as they give you different names to the club. They have given us 3 different names which has caused problems trying to enter the matches in. Ive had to go through all the matches as i migrated them.
@ginogiamboi194 How did you go with your match importing?
yes thats ok still problems with the players because of the different club names
@ginogiamboi194 I am keen to help you get the importing up and running. I just need some specifics so I can help more.
If you can let me know specifically which MyCricket match ID you are importing and then specifically what the "problems with the players" is by letting me know what you are seeing where you think the player is not being matched to their club correctly. I can easily work out the issue for you.
Please reply here in this thread.
Here is a example JW Taylor he stats for 2 seasons from 20/21 to 22/2. thats on Coolbinia West Perth CC
And Jogn Taylor (the same player) with careeer stats from 2006/07 to 2019/20 as Coolbinia West Perth.
Hi Gino,
Thanks for sharing the screenshots. I have spent some time working out what has gone on here.
There are two issues (both of which are fixable):
Your database name is Coolbinia West Perth CC while your club is called Coolbinia West Perth. Their name similarity is causing a little confusion but it isn't a big issue.
You have created a duplicate player "John Taylor" when a "JW Taylor" player already existed. This was probably done via the Quick Add option when importing a match. Subsequent match imports have then gone to John Taylor instead rather than matching them to JW Taylor. This is why you are seeing different sets of stats for these two players. You really should have added John Taylor as an alias to the JW Taylor player record so that they are treated as the same when it comes to importing.
The players are being matched to their club correctly, it is just that you have created duplicate players.
There are a couple of ways we can fix this - and it really depends on how widespread the problem is (ie. how many duplicate players we are dealing with).
You can either manually adjust each player - it will require merging the player records where one player record will be permanently merged into the other record. This would work if it is only a few players that are affected (I suspect it is more than a few though). I would need to explain how you do this.
OR we can start again - delete everything and re-migrate your old database. This would give you a clean starting point. If we go down this path then I can do it for you at no charge.
Let me know which approach you would prefer.
In any case, I will go ahead and rename your database to "Coolbinia West Perth Database" so that you know not to treat it as a club. We can rename it to something better once you get a hang of things.