i'm unsure if this has just occurred in the recent database migration for our club but i just did a sanity check between my v11 database and online version and noticed 4 players are missing:
Fleeton, Brent (2 games)
Maver, Jay (26 games)
Miru, Dwaine (75 games)
Scales, Matt (81 games)
When i went into the online match report there names are blank on the scorecard for that match and there name is also missing from our players list - eg Matt scales should be in the match below. There is an awful lot of matches to trawl thru to add these players back into the online system...

Joel, can you post up a URL link to that match report please? It really helps when you can link it.
OK I think I have worked it out. Go into your v11 database and go into the Player records for each of these. What do you have entered for their first names and last names?
your're right in v11 for those 4 players their first name and last name in the Players entry form are blank it just has their report name. Not sure what is going on as those players haven't played for a few years and i can't remember ever editing them...
what's the best way forward from here? do i send you my latest v11 database again to reload?
If you want to send me your v11 database with the names corrected then I am happy to re-publish. Just be aware that you need to have all the previous issues sorted as well - the ground name matching, the SMCC 4th team name matching and that player that you had his names backwards.
You will also need to add the 4 missing players to the online system and make sure their first name and last name perfectly match with the v11 database:
Fleeton, Brent (2 games)
Maver, Jay (26 games)
Miru, Dwaine (75 games)
Scales, Matt (81 games)
And also, if you don't mind, I will move this thread over to the questions section since it is a data issue related to the v11 data and not an online system issue.
I've emailed our latest v11 database for upload.
Got half way and got the message "Could not match Peter Blanch" - can you check first names and last names on both sides?
yer sorry i changed his name on the updated v11 version but forget to change the online version... I've changed the online version now - so he should be ok.
OK all done. Can you check that the missing players are now there?
Yes those players are all there now. thanks.
Just running another cross check against my old v11 database (using the the complete player summary report) and a few players (about 12) have found an extra match on their online stats. However their runs, wickets, catches etc are all ok and match with v11. The easiest player to check is Phil Sharman, when i run his Player Pages stats, his total matches says 7 but all the various breakdowns below that all show him with only 6 matches...so i'm unsure where the extra match is coming from.
Have you run the audit report in the admin/reports section that shows players that have fielded but are not in the batting scorecard? I am confident you will find him on the list.
Just checking that now - plus i also found in the Reports section that Beta version of the Match by Match for players section which i'm also checking. Will let you know how i go.
In our competition we can have players replaced in the same game from the 1st week to the 2nd week of the match so although you only have 11 batters you can have up to 13 players for a team in the game. To have all players collect a game and they didn't bat or bowl we got around this problem in v11 by adding their name to the bowling section with figs of 0/0/0/0 so they still counted a game. The funny this is all the players with the import in this same situation their correct match totals have come thru ok...although they are not listed on the match report anywhere.
But when i try to fix up the issues with the players i raised above that i must have missed giving them the 0/0/0/0 figs in v11, the online system won't let me have a bowler with figs of 0/0/0/0 i need to give them at least 1 ball bowled for them to appear.
No worries. I've just been doing some investigation and player Michael Offerman is a good example where he only played 1 match for the club - SMCC 2nd v SKLP on 7 Oct 2017 at Maguire Park and was not listed on the batting card but only the bowling with 0/0/0/0. The match details appear in his Match by Match 'Match Stats by Player' report but not on his 'Players Pages' Report.
I'll let you work out a solution.
OK try adding a player to the bowling now with 0/0/0/0 figures. He/she should stay on the bowling list except if they have taken a catch or completed a runout - in which case they will be given credit for the match anyway.
Does this mean you need to reimport our v11 database again to pick the previous players with bowling of 0/0/0/0?
No - they should all be there still provided you have not edited/saved the innings since import. Please confirm.
No i haven't gone into any matches since the last import.