After analyzing a few players individual Player Report on the public site i noticed the number of Matches they played is different in the summary at the top of their page compared to the breakdown section which does seasons, grades, opposition clubs etc at the bottom of the page. Just noting all the other data was correct though eg Batting inns, runs, no's, bowling wickets and bowling runs etc - the issue is only with the Matches played that was incorrect.
After some investigation I'm pretty sure i know what the issue is as we may have discussed this before - our comp lets you name 12 players for the team but only 11 cat bat (so the configure section of Grades is still always set to 11 players) - so therefore we have 1 player bats and the other player can bowl. So my investigation found when the player who bowled was not listed on the batting scorecard he didn't get a match in the breakdown section only in the summary section. As i mentioned earlier all their bowling stats were included for the player in question in both the summary and breakdown sections.
Eg Player David Barr - his summary page says 91 matches but in the breakdown section its only has 89 matches
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